
Monday, 20 May 2019

Pink Shirt Day, 2019

On Friday, our school joined in with many other schools around the country, and had a Pink Shirt Mufti Day in support of the anti-bullying campaign. If we did not own a pink shirt, we were allowed to wear anything pink. We were also challenged to bring something pink for our lunchbox!

We had some very generous donations from parents and students, ranging from strawberry icing strawberry cake, to strawberry milk... to dessert skittles with pink packaging!

Luckily, we were able to use this sugar in our Cluster Winter Sports that afternoon (and not in the classroom).

Bullying is not ok!
Let's continue making a stand against bullying and respect everyone's differences, just as Jesus did.
Remember: We were all made perfectly by God! ♡

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Baking Madness!

Last week, our school teachers went to a Paid Union Meeting on different days. We did this to stop having to close the school. Teachers who went to the meeting split their classes up among the remaining teachers.

When Miss Satherley went to her meeting, Rūma Rima was privileged to have half of Room 2 joining us after lunch.

Rūma Rima made gingerbread cookies in preparation for the little ones coming into our class.
Then we all decorated our own cookie, using lots (and lots!) of icing. We were also given some mini M&Ms and marshmallows, as well as some chocolate drops.

Here are our creations!